Principal of
Alternative Education
Cory Pike
Phone: 315-867-2055
Fax: 315-867-2008
Assistant Principal of Alternative Education
Terrence Campo
Phone: 315-867-2055
Fax: 315-867-2008

Alternative Education at the Remington Educational Complex provides students who have struggled in a traditional school environment an exciting opportunity to get back on track with instruction focused on their needs and interests.
All academic classes take place in the Remington Complex, and students in grades 7-10 are provided career and technical education there. Students in grades 11-12 are able to access Career and Technical programs at the William E. Busacker Complex in East Herkimer, where those students spend half of their school day. The academy aims to meet each student’s unique needs through supportive, small-group instruction in academic areas, career and technical education courses, and counseling. Students are exposed to traditional and virtual learning environments in pursuit of their Regents diploma.
The program also helps students develop pro-social and essential life skills such as responsibility, respect, safety, courtesy, punctuality, communication and self-confidence.
Alternative Education supports a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Model (PBIS), which infuses Next Generation standards instruction with a core curriculum. It imbeds core instruction and provides students with multiple opportunities and exposure to learning. Alternative Education at Remington is for students in grades 7-12 who attend the component school districts of Herkimer-Fulton- Hamilton-Otsego BOCES.
Students enter the program through a formal referral process by the school district. Students interested in enrolling may have minor behavioral histories or require credit recovery and can benefit from counseling and support services.
Alternative Education offers students a chance to learn in a small, supportive setting. Themes are frequently integrated into classroom instruction and small-group instruction creating an environment that allows students to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. They are able to connect with their education and more closely benefit from instruction. With a full range of New York state certified teachers, Remington provides rigorous curricula for both credit recovery and accrual purposes. Students are able to work at their own pace with academic coordination, delivery, instruction and support. Alternative Education provides flexible class times and individualized, differentiated instruction, and a comprehensive program that is provided with a superior blend of instruction.
Alternative Education provides a variety of services for students with disabilities. By virtue of the smaller student-to-teacher ratio, students in these classes receive more individualized instruction, attention and intervention. Many of these students have classes that are co-taught by a subject content specialist and a special education teacher.
To reinforce student learning, many of the students receive academic intervention and enrichment classes.
Transition planning, career interest, counseling and nursing services augment the Alternative Education program to help students with disabilities achieve success.

Students in teacher Georgia Waite's classroom - located at Pathways Academy - created the bumper sticker below as part of celebrating National Sticker Day. Students generated all of the ideas as a way of showing that Pathways Academy is an important part of Herkimer BOCES.