To learn more about our Career and Technical Education programs, visit the links to each individual program.
The program pages include videos, brochures and more.
Contact: Sheri Perry, Principal of Technical Education: sperry@herkimer-boces.org or 315-867-2091
The Career Tech Center programs are designed to prepare students for college and career readiness. There are many different course offerings. All the programs have state-of-the-art equipment and are performance based.
Emphasis is on the mastery of knowledge and skills required to complete a task. Most programs have articulation agreements with local colleges, whereby students can earn college course credit for work at the Career Tech Center.
All the instructors are accomplished experts in their respective fields. Most programs offer New York State certification and/or licensing upon successful completion and testing. National certification is also an option in many programs.
The majority of students enrolled at the center are secondary students in grades 11 and 12. Also included are adults in need of retraining or upgrading for employment. Most students attend the Career Tech Center for a half day and their local school the other half of the day.
Students may include career and technical education courses as part of requirements for a Regents diploma or while pursuing high school equivalency preparation.
Component school districts grant students four units of credit for satisfactory completion of each year at the tech center. The CTE programs are in existing and emerging occupations for present and projected employment Career and Technical Education opportunities. Accordingly, the tech center, as an extension of the ten component districts, provides a variety of sequences and courses. The tech center offers courses in fourteen major areas of agriculture, business/marketing, education, home economics, health occupations, trade and industrial areas. Descriptions are given of majors, special programs and optional courses. Twenty-first century skills are emphasized through every course of study.
The grading policy includes one-third theory, one-third lab/production and one-third 21st Century skills.
Career and technical education programs have reviewed curricula and integrated New York state academic learning standards to meet requirements for a high school diploma with a career and technical endorsement. Counselors and principals should review academic programs with students to plan appropriately to meet their vocational and academic graduation requirements.
Programs approved for a career and technical endorsement include integrated academics as follows:
1 credit applied math upon completion of math competency exam;
1 credit applied science upon completion of science Regents requirements;
1 credit English 12 (technical writing) upon completion of ELA competency; and
1/2 credit career and financial management.
Criteria for career and technical endorsement:
Students must pass two years of an approved vocational program with a minimum grade of 65.
Students must successfully complete appropriate work-based experiences (a minimum of 54 hours is required).
Students must pass written and performance-based, industry- approved, exit-out exams.
Students must complete a culminating project.
Students must successfully complete all academic requirements to meet the state’s Regent’s diploma learning standards.
The criterion for receiving high school credit in all areas is earning a passing grade of 65 or above. This aligns to the New York state criteria for program completion. Students who enter a vocational program with identified special needs will be provided appropriate support to obtain the skills required for employment. Such students will be provided a suitable work employability profile to identify program success.
Click on the links to the individual CTE programs for more information on each program.