Required Textbooks
Purchasing Books
The majority of the books are supplied through FA Davis. One additional book, the Saunders PN Review, is also required. See details below.
If you have a funding source that will be paying for your books, please contact financial aid before ordering the books. Bundling discounts are often available.
Caution: Used books may lack appropriate codes to access needed online materials.
FA Davis
For information about the FA Davis Bundle, click here.
To purchase books through FA Davis, click here.
Remember to use this promo code for 20% off and free shipping: P5YV35MK
Saunders PN Review
Saunders PN Review: The additional required book is the Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN Examination, 8th Edition, with an ISBN of: 9780323794527. One way to purchase the book is through Evolve by clicking here.
Additional Textbook Information
Books and supplemental online resources are not included in your tuition. Books need to be purchased prior to the start of class.
Student may select to purchase bundled packets available through F. A. Davis Company at a reduced price. Books could also be purchased at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or other books related sites. Where you purchase your books is your choice. If you are sponsored by an organization, please contact to order your books.
Watch out for inferior quality books; (i.e. black and white pages instead of color pages). Please be aware, although used books may seem like a smart purchase to save money, if books do not have an unused resource code, you will not be allowed the additional information or resources (i.e. eBooks, study tools, outlines, practice quizzes, flash cards, skill videos and /or audible books) required for the class.