Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego BOCES welcomed all staff for a new school year on Wednesday, Aug. 31, and honored staff who have reached milestones in their service at BOCES.
Herkimer BOCES District Superintendent Sandra Sherwood and Herkimer BOCES Board of Education President Michael Clements gave opening comments.
“I’m glad to see you back,” Clements said. “We couldn’t ask for a better group of people.”
Sherwood and Clements spoke from the lobby at the Herkimer BOCES William E. Busacker Complex in Herkimer. Employees watched on via video from four other rooms at the WEB Complex and from the Herkimer BOCES Remington Educational Complex in Ilion.
Clements encouraged new employees not to be nervous because they’re joining a strong team.
“I hope we have a great year and try to get back to some normalcy,” he said.
Association leaders Holly Rotundo Fischer, Bethann Hammer and Timothy Johnston joined Sherwood and Clements to present certificates to staff who reached a standout number of years at BOCES.
The following employees were recognized for the following milestones:
10 years:
- Andrea Hitchcock
- Sheri Perry
- Stacie Shedd
20 years:
- Scott Dunckel
- Debra Hagadorn
- Christina Ostrander
- Adam Spatto
- Sherry Stone
25 years:
- Frances Bishal
Sherwood closed the welcome-back ceremony with a presentation about what a BOCES is. She spoke about the large role that the 10 component school districts have in determining BOCES operations. She also talked about the services and benefits that BOCES across the state provide to their communities, schools and students – and what those impacts look like locally through Herkimer BOCES.
At the end of her presentation, Sherwood returned to the question of what a BOCES is. She said it certainly includes the 10 component districts and the BOCES facilities. “But it’s really all of us,” Sherwood said to the Herkimer BOCES employees. “I’m so glad you’re back here with us. Welcome back.”
Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego BOCES recognized staff on Wednesday, Aug. 31, for reaching milestones in their number of years at Herkimer BOCES. Pictured, from left, are staff who have been at Herkimer BOCES for 10 years: Sheri Perry and Andrea Hitchcock. Stacie Shedd (absent from photo) also was recognized for 10 years of service.
Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego BOCES recognized staff on
Wednesday, Aug. 31, for reaching milestones in their number of years at
Herkimer BOCES. Pictured, from left, are staff who have been at Herkimer
BOCES for 20 years: Sherry Stone, Christina Ostrander, Debra Hagadorn
and Scott Dunckel. Adam Spatto, who was viewing the presentation from
the Remington Educational Complex, was also recognized for 20 years of
Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego BOCES recognized staff on
Wednesday, Aug. 31, for reaching milestones in their number of years at
Herkimer BOCES. Pictured here, Frances Bishal was honored for her 25
years of service.
Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego BOCES District
Superintendent Sandra Sherwood welcomes back teachers and other 10-month
employees during a presentation on Wednesday, Aug. 31, as Herkimer
BOCES Board of Education President Michael Clements looks on.
Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego BOCES Board of Education President Michael Clements speaks to Herkimer BOCES employees during a welcome-back event on Wednesday, Aug. 31.