Criminal Justice
A video highlighting the Criminal Justice program:
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To view a brochure on the Criminal Justice program, click here or on the brochure cover image above.
About the Criminal Justice program:

Introduction to criminal justice offers the basics of security procedures and operations. Components include: criminal and procedural law, search and seizure, ABC laws, vehicle and traffic laws, court systems, investigative work, security procedures, corrections work, juvenile justice, probation and law enforcement communications. Criminal Justice completers can earn college credit and advanced placement at Herkimer County Community College, Fulton-Montgomery Community College or Schenectady Community College.
CTE Alumni Series:
View a video below on 2010 Criminal Justice Graduate Mary Reece, who is now the first female career firefighter in Herkimer County!
Criminal Justice 360 classroom video:
More about the Criminal Justice program:
Course Components:
Criminal investigation
Criminal law
Private investigations
Constitutional law
Penal law
Criminal procedure law
Vehicle & traffic law
Cyber security
Homeland security
Mock trials
Crime scene investigations
Evidence procedures
The nature and extent of delinquency
Delinquency prevention
Certifications Offered:
CPR (Adult, Child, and Infant)
First Aid
Stop the Bleed
College Credit Hours:
Transferable from Herkimer College
CJ 120 - Intro to Criminal Justice - Fall
CJ 126 - Issues in Law Enforcement - Fall
CJ 125 - Intro to Law Enforcement - Spring
EN 228 - Interpersonal Communication - Spring
CJ 151 - Intro to Corrections - Spring
SS 167 - Juvenile Delinquency - Spring
EN 111 College Writing
MA 124 Mathematics Elective
Articulation agreements with:
Bryant & Stratton
SUNY Canton
Work-Based Learning:
54 hours on-site. Possible off-site hours. (If entry-level requirements are met.)